Yearly: $60 $48/year (Save $12!)

Monthly: $5/month

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How does it work?

Person typing on a laptop
How does CP Protection work?

After purchase you will receive an email within minutes containing a download link. Simply download the software by clicking the link and allow the software to download to your computer. Our agent will then install in the background.

After installation is complete, our agent will run in the background, protecting against malicious attacks and viruses.

That's it! Once you have downloaded and installed our agent software onto your computer, you have nothing else to do. The enterprise-level software that our agent is built on is powerful enough to provide defense for major corporations and businesses around the globe, and now you have that same protection on your personal computer!

    The CP Protection system is built on the same software that protects entire networks for major corporations and businesses around the world!
    After installation is complete, our agent goes to work. No need to worry about messing with settings or features. Your computer is immediately protected!